Technical Illustrator
I am a technical illustrator who works mainly with military publications, doing 3D perspective illustrations, I am also a manic Marvel graphic novel and figurine collector, I am also a professional swordcane and custom handmade knives collector.

Dec 8, 2013 7:32 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

excuse my ignorance but how do you add skins to the rainalender....I can't seem to get it right...I must be getting forgetful in my old age...thanking you in advance

The Thug

5 Replies Reply 2 Referrals

Dec 7, 2013 11:45 AM by Discussion: ObjectDock

how do you change the the docks to a different dock....I have forgot....thank you...the Thug

7 Replies Reply 26 Referrals

Dec 6, 2013 8:03 PM by Discussion: Internet

ever since I installed the wincustomise software I have been having problems with internet, both firefox an internet explorer, its very slow, wont highlight anything, takes forever to connect, won't show the page correctly, just tons of problems...its maddening....I am running windows 8.1 can anybody help me with this problem please...thanking you in advance...the thug

7 Replies Reply 44 Referrals

Dec 6, 2013 5:51 PM by Discussion: Stardock Support General

hello sorry to bother you but can you use my colours on windows 8.1....or is it only for XP/Vista....thank you

6 Replies Reply 16 Referrals

Dec 6, 2013 4:48 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Helloooo everyone, I hope this email catches everyone healthy an well....sorry its been such a long time since I have been here, but I had health issues and a personal crisis....but I'm back an looking forward to talking to all my friends again, I see there is a lot of the old faces around an a lot of new faces....anyway I just wanted to give a shout out to all the fantastic people on this site an say hello....the work is still of such an awesome standard, you can't compare....anyway great to be back in the mix...looking forward to well for now....the Thugster

6 Replies Reply 3 Referrals

Nov 7, 2009 10:42 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Just a quick little quiet hello to my family, thanks for all the well wishes everyone, they've really helped a treat.....sorry for not writing much lately its just I got so much going on in my head nowadays, its kinda hard to concentrate without somehting tugging my brain in a different direction.....anyway love yer all lots, heaps and heaps of respect........Dale.....The Thug

13 Replies Reply 4 Referrals

Aug 15, 2009 2:36 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Did anybody know its Cyndies Birthday......from me to you Cyndie, you are one of the kindest, coolest Whang dang doolde Whoopsy Whoopsy skin-ada-lee Sexiest, talented Woman oh the Planet....heres to a whoop Hot Diggity Dawg kinda Birthday, you deserve it for being who you yer lots oh younger one....tons of respect.....Happy Birthaday [e digicons]:inlove:[/e] [e digicons]:inlove:[/e] [e digicons]:inlove:[/e] [e digicons]:inlove:[/e] [e digicons]:inlove:[/e] [e digicons]:inlove:[/e] [e digicons]:inlove:[/e] [e digicons]:inlove:[/e] [e digicons]:inlove:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:bebi:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]}:)[/e] [e digicons]}:)[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]O:)[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]X([/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:')[/e] [e digicons]:')[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:grin:[/e] [e digicons]:grin:[/e] ...the story of your bithday Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha oh wait I forgot.......... [e digicons]:puke:[/e] [e digicons]:puke:[/e]

14 Replies Reply 3 Referrals

Aug 14, 2009 11:37 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Hiya all you folk in WC Land and beyond ....a bit of Buzz Lightyear coming out in me there........just a quick question.......somebody on one of my screenshots brought up a thought, a Master I know some of you think that we are not really useful, I disagree but then that is a different matter althogether...the question is, if someone as passionate as i am, and I know of a few others like me, quite a few, there is really no further rank than apprentice that we can go to, maybe after 10 years, we hit a lucky break and hit Master Apprentice....I don't know, I haven't been here long enough, but what is the furthest a sniper has gone.....I put a lot into my work, I'm just as passionate as the next bloke about this place, maybe even more so, cos it kinda saved my life in a way, but I would love the Honor of achieving Master Sniper in my lifetime, and yes all the bragging rights and prestige that goes with I don't skin, but I have one in the works, but I would love to make it as a valuable, contributing member of the community as a Sniper......all I am asking, straight out, is this ever going to be attainable, if not it is not going to be earth shattering news, well a bit , but all I would like is a straight is possible...yes or No......thanks everyone, much love and much respect....the Thug

139 Replies Reply 24 Referrals

Howdy Folk, firstly to to Wincustomise, thank you folks ever so much, for deciding to put this site in a place where I saw it, joined up and never, ever looked back, this is one helluva community and you folks run a beautiful ship, thanks WC for everything, I mean that, thank you ever so much....Whooooooooeeeeeeeeeee 25th SSOTD........Whoop Hot Diggity Dawg....this is quite a milestone for me, I'd like to thank all of the people who have supported me, this is way wicked cool of you to do this....I know I'm quite a modest bloke, I mean it wasn't my fault I was born with the body and face of an adonis, although I must admit I do look at myself a lot Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.....anyway I digress, this is my 25th SSOTD, I have had 3 in a row twice, and the biggest milestone of them all I got my Apprentice status, so bottom line, just to brag on my 1/4 of a century in SSOTD's, My apprenticeship.....and my huge amounts of love and respect for the people of this communtiy and Wincustomise, thank the Lord I found this site, it has restored my faith, since the accident back in the commom man,.....thank you, thank you all so much....lotsa love and repect...the Thugerino...your friend and family member.... Whoop Hot Diggity Dawg on a chilly Tuesday afternon with a glass of bourbon in my hand what a momentous occasion.....cheers all [e digicons]:')[/e] [e digicons]:')[/e] [e digicons]:')[/e] [e digicons]:')[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:')[/e] [e digicons]:')[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:drool:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]X([/e] [e digicons]X([/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:grin:[/e] [e digicons]:')[/e] [e digicons]:grin:[/e] [e digicons]X([/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:grin:[/e] [e digicons]:grin:[/e] [e digicons]:grin:[/e] [e digicons]:grin:[/e] [e digicons]:grin:[/e]

30 Replies Reply 6 Referrals

Jul 6, 2009 3:43 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Howdy folks of the forum realm, I have a question for you all....when I click my objectdock plus WC icon, it takes me there allright, and everything works, until I click on a star rating, the star rating doesn't work, then if I close down WC, nothing internet wise to do with Mozilla will open, not deviant, not WC, nothing, gamewallpapers is the same, if I click on the WC link, then from there browse bookmarks and go to, and click on a wallpaper, it takes me inside to choose my size, because I am a member it actually highlights the size of your screen, like mine is 1280 x 1024, so I click on that particular script to open so I can download and it is the same as the star rating in WC, nothing happens, and if I close down Mozilla, I cannot get back in, I have to restart the pc, but then when I restart, as I have said I have have clicked on WC to open and nothing happens, but when I restart it asks me just before shutting down, do I want to quit the mozilla tabs I have running, I have checked the task manager before restarting and there is no Mozilla tabs open...internet explorer works fine, this is only happening with Mozilla, I thought okay maybe problem with objectdock so I clicked on the mozilla icon on the desktop itself and went from there, same thing, as soon as something doesn't do as it is supposed to do in Mozilla, as simple as a star rating, I know if I close down then that is it, I have to restart to use Mozilla, and it will ask me do I want to close the tabs I still have open or save them for the next time I open Mozilla.......I hope this question makes sense, I am running windowsXP SP3, I have the latest updates for Mozilla, I have the latest updates through Impulse for all my apps, I am at a total loss as to what to do, I have even uninstalled Mozilla, re-installed the latest with its updates, still the same...has anybody out there got the same problem or anyone that can help me...thanks the Thug

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